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Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Wie wir mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten möchten;

These terms and conditions apply to all services rendered by TFA  Programs and Sessions. By formally – via e-mail confirmation or signed contract – confirming your (the client) collaboration with TFA Programs, you accept these terms and conditions.

  1. Confirmation of registration

    1. Through (physical meeting(s)) and (digital) contact (thereafter) we discuss the possibilities of our services to help you. All the details of our offering, including dates, location and price, are stated in this registration proposal. 

    2. All prices mentioned in our registration are exclusive of VAT.

    3. Payment of the registration fee is due in 30 days according to registration agreement and/or in the associated contract.

  2. You confidentiality is important to us

    1. Your privacy is important to us. Any confidential and/or personal data (such as, email address, company data) you share with us will only be used for the purpose of the program. It will not be shared with third parties.

  3. We provide full access to our unique materials

    1. TFA Programs will provide participants with login credentials for our online community environment. You are responsible for all the activity made in your own account. 

    2. Access to the online community environment is strictly personal and you may not share your log-in details. TFA programs always reserves the right to deny a participant further access (without any liability).

    3. You may share our content within your organization, for learning purposes. You may not (commercially) publish any of our content to a wider audience. TFA Programs operates under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license CC BY-SA 4.0.

  4. Use of third-party services

    1. TFA programs may recommend or give you access to external tools, but we are not responsible for the use of those services. Their terms and conditions shall apply to the use of their services.

    2. As a participant in our program you (shall not obtain any right to the course materials. TFA Programs will.

  5. Liability

    1. TFA Programs commits to the service level as can be derived from the registration proposal, shared with you (the client) at the beginning of the collaboration, entailing thereby agreeing to co-creating in sessions that are well prepared and enthusiastically guided by the TFA curator and facilitation team.

    2. TFA Programs is not liable for potential negative consequences of the outcome of the collaboration in any way; directly or indirectly. Liability on the part of TFA Programs shall always be limited to the amount paid out by its professional liability insurance in the relevant instance. To the extent that TFA Programs’ liability insurance does not provide cover, it may be held liable only for the direct, purely financial loss suffered by the participants, maximized to the contract value.

    3. TFA programs shall not be liable for any other type of damage, such as personal injury, immaterial damage, consequential damage, lost profits, loss of income, business interruption or loss of data, unless liability on the part of TFA Programs for such damage arises from mandatory law.

    4. TFA Programs shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use of the website and the information and products.

  6. Cancellation policy in unlikely events

    1. After formal confirmation of the registration – through e-mail, PDF, webform or signed contract – you have a 14-day period of time to cancel the agreement, without the requirement to provide a reason for this cancellation and/or complying with the financial agreements made in relation to the collaboration. After this period, you are responsible for complying with the financial agreements made in relation to the collaboration, as agreed in the confirmation e-mail and/or contract. 

    2. After the aforementioned 14 day-term, inability to proceed with the collaboration as agreed, due to (unforeseen) (external) circumstances such as changes in team(s), changes in location, illness, weather, governmental regulations, etc. on your (the client’s) part are not a reason for cancellation and therefor do not change the financial obligations as agreed upon.

    3. After formal confirmation of the collaboration – through e-mail or signed contract – you have a 30-day period of time to notify TFA Programs about your wish to adjust the starting date of your program, with a limitation to the adjustment of one month later – measured by starting date of the program – that originally agreed.

    4. After formal confirmation of the registration TFA Programs has a 30-day period of time to cancel the agreement, without the requirement to provide a reason for this cancellation.

    5. In the unlikely event that TFA Programs is unable proceed with the collaboration as agreed due to (unforeseen) (external) circumstances such as weather, governmental regulations, etc., TFA programs has the right to proceed with collaboration in ways that ensure the quality of the services provided, based on TFA Programs’ honest judgement. For example, when circumstances require services to be provided in a digital manner (e.g. through Zoom call, Skype, Teams etc.), through which TFA can guarantee the quality of the services provided, the collaboration is considered sufficiently according to agreement

    6. In the unlikely event that TFA Programs is unable to proceed with the collaboration as agreed and is unable to guarantee the quality of services through (digital) alternative ways of working TFA will pay a refund of the registration fee already paid for that cannot be provided, without agreeing to pay for damages of any kind.  

  7. Complaints and feedback

    1. In case you have a complaint about our collaboration, you can submit a complaint by contacting your appointed contact person at TFA programs, and/or addressing our customer success management Kayda@TheFuturesAcademy.NL.

  8. Applicable law and court

    1. Dutch law is applicable. 

    2. Any dispute shall be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Amsterdam

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